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Andis Kaulins Hitting a 300-yard Drive from Andis Kaulins on Vimeo.
Andis Kaulins Hitting a 300-yard Drive
Well, I nearly fell on my head on that one. I by no means have a perfect
swing. But I won my club's men's championship in 2008 at age 61. Here
is a club photo.
It is the speed of the swing that makes for distance, determined mostly by a quick body turn at impact. If you look carefully, you will see that I barely cock my wrists. I won the longest drive competition in one tournament in 2008 with a drive of 340 meters (about 370 yards). But remember, drive for show and putt for dough. For scoring it is the short game that counts. Click on the "fan symbol" for full screen.
It is the speed of the swing that makes for distance, determined mostly by a quick body turn at impact. If you look carefully, you will see that I barely cock my wrists. I won the longest drive competition in one tournament in 2008 with a drive of 340 meters (about 370 yards). But remember, drive for show and putt for dough. For scoring it is the short game that counts. Click on the "fan symbol" for full screen.
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